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2. Do not allow non-biodegradable materials to enter the system. (Examples include: plastics, condoms, cigarette butts, feminine pads or tampons, baby wipes, adult wipes, paper towels, etc.
3. Do no flush disposable or cloth diapers down the toilet. Only the diaper contents should be flushed.
4. Do not pour cooking grease, oil, paint, or chemicals down the drain or toilets. Our technicians can actually smell when someone has poured bacon drippings in their kitchen sink and subsequently clogs the system...
5. Use only small amounts of bleaches and cleaning detergents for washing clothes. Wash loads should be spread out over the day or week to allow for water to settle in the tanks and prevent overloading the treatment portion of your aerobic system.
6. The system will not operate to its maximum ability if volumetric overloading occurs. (Examples of this are: leaking faucets, leaking toilets, excessive water usage of a teenager's shower, back to back laundry day, etc.)
7. Lint screens from clothes dryers and washing machines should be disposed of in the trash.
8. Don't be tempted to use your garbage disposal! Un-digested food is very slow to degrade.
9. Do not dispose of out of date medications in sinks or toilets. The medications can kill the good bacteria in your aerobic and can cause future odors.
10. Septic tanks do require cleaning. They should be cleaned before sludge accumulates to a point where it approaches the bottom of the outlet device. If sludge or scum accumulates to this point, solids will leave the treatment tank with the liquids and possibly clog the irrigation pump. (The pump can be damaged and will quit evacuating water if left clogged too long.)
11. Do not mix pool chlorine with septic chlorine in the system's disinfecting device. ONLY septic chlorine should be used. Mixing the two is very dangerous.
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